Entrepreneur / Business Investor Visa

If you're considering investing or launching a business in New Zealand, you might want to explore the opportunities provided by Business and Investment Visas. New Zealand boasts a rapidly expanding economy and provides extensive services tailored for both established businesses and entrepreneurs looking to establish new ventures here.

Entrepreneur Work Visa

Key Considerations:

  1. In the initial phase of your visa, you're allowed a 12-month stay for your start-up endeavors. Upon successful establishment of your business, this can be extended for an additional 24 months.

  2. If your business operates within the science or ICT sectors and demonstrates notable innovation or export potential, there's a chance of exemption from the NZD $100,000 capital investment requirement.

  3. Individuals who have experienced bankruptcy or business failure within the past 5 years are ineligible for an Entrepreneur Work Visa.

  4. Visa approval won't be granted in cases involving business fraud or financial misconduct.

These considerations are vital for individuals seeking to invest or start a business in New Zealand and are looking for visa options to facilitate their endeavours.

Contact us today to assess your eligibility.

Investor Category

Discover a variety of visas tailored for starting a business or investing in New Zealand. Please note that some visa applications from outside New Zealand or a quarantine-free travel zone are presently suspended, unless specific exemptions apply. If you're considering investing substantial capital in New Zealand's economy.

Navigating these processes can be challenging and intricate. Rest assured, we're here to assist you and your business throughout every stage, ensuring all requirements are fulfilled and favorable outcomes are attained.

Take action promptly to obtain the assistance you need. Secure your consultation now and begin the journey towards fulfilling your objectives without delay!