March Month Newsletter 2024!
Median wage changes and impacts
Important updates regarding the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)
March Moments: Festivities and Reflections
In this month's newsletter we discuss changes to wage thresholds affecting various visa categories, effective February 28, 2024.
The wage thresholds for the Skilled Migrant Category, the Green List Straight to Residence and Work to Residence visas, as well as the Parent Category residence class visa, have been adjusted to align with the median wage of NZD$31.61 per hour.
Additionally, the wage threshold for the Transport Sector Work to Residence Visa has also be raised in line with the new median wage, excluding bus drivers.
However, The rise in wage thresholds does not extend to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), as per the government's indication in December, confirming its continuance at the existing rate of NZD$29.66 per hour.
Furthermore, this pause in wage adjustments extends to AEWV-linked work visas set at or indexed to the median wage rate from February 2023 (NZD$29.66 per hour). This includes visas such as the Partner of a Worker Work Visa, variation of conditions for AEWVs, legacy Essential Skills work visas, interim visas granted under the Skilled Migrant Category, and Partner of a Worker work visas, as well as Subsequent Migrant Exploitation Protection Visas.
This pause allows for consideration of alternatives to the median wage threshold, ensuring the attraction of the workers New Zealand needs and addressing genuine skill shortages.
For migrants currently holding an AEWV at the paused wage rate, they will still be able to accrue work experience for Skilled Residence despite the increased wage requirements. However, they will need to secure a job or job offer meeting the skilled residence pathway rate aligned with the median wage at the time of application.
For migrants seeking to apply for Skilled Residence pathways in the future without holding an AEWV, it's important to note that they will be required to meet the higher threshold of NZD$31.61 per hour instead of the lower one applicable to AEWVs.
As of March 15, 2024, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has granted approval to 113,497 applications for the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), with a corresponding count of 33,596 employers accredited under the program.
Post-accreditation checks
Here are the latest updates regarding the Accredited Employer Work Visa program as of March 15, 2024:
Post-Accreditation Checks: Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has completed 2,974 post-accreditation checks on 2,401 employers, with an additional 482 checks currently underway.
Complaints Received: The Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) has received 2,384 complaints against accredited employers. Please note that this number represents allegations received, not necessarily substantiated claims.
Active Investigations: Currently, there are 183 active investigations being conducted on accredited employers.
180 employers have had their accreditation revoked.
64 employers have had their accreditation suspended.
47 employers are under assessment for accreditation revocation, with no current assessments for accreditation suspension. (Please note that revocations and suspensions stem from various reasons, including liquidation.)
We will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available. Should you have any inquiries or require further clarification, please feel free to reach out to us.
This month, we're immersed in vibrant festivities! From the colorful joy of Holi to the solemn reflection of Good Friday, we're celebrating unity, renewal, and community. Wishing you all a month filled with happiness, peace, and blessings.
Our mailing address
Kiwiana Immigration, Suite 13, Level 2, 72 Dominion Road, Mt Eden, Auckland 1024, New Zealand