Exciting Updates to the Active Investor Plus Visa: More Attractive Investment Opportunities

Exciting Updates to the Active Investor Plus Visa:

Exciting Updates to the Active Investor Plus Visa

New Zealand is enhancing the Active Investor Plus Visa to drive economic growth and make investing in the country more appealing.

🗓 Effective from 1 April 2025, key changes include:

Two simplified investment categoriesGrowth and Balanced
Minimum investment thresholds: NZD $5 million for Growth investors, NZD $10 million for Balanced investors
Expanded investment options under the Balanced category, now including bonds, new residential properties, and commercial or industrial developments
Fewer immigration requirements for those opting for active investments (such as reduced time required in New Zealand)
Faster investment timeline: Investors must place their funds within six months of visa approval (with a possible six-month extension)
No more English language requirement

These updates aim to attract high-value investors, streamline the application process, and encourage more active investments in New Zealand’s economy. The revised settings also provide lower-risk investment opportunities while allowing investors to build confidence in New Zealand’s market.

💻 The application process remains the same, with the current online form being updated to reflect these changes. More details will be released in early March.

Stay tuned for further updates!

Source: INZ


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